Tournament mode

Below, you will find a short description of the tournament mode:

Pool play
During pool play, teams will be assigned to four groups of three teams each. They will play a round robin, i.e. each team will face every other team in its group once. Group winners directly qualify for the quarterfinals. Second and third place finishers can still qualify for the quarterfinals in a play-in round. Teams will be awarded three points for a win, one point for a tie and no points for a loss. Group placement will be determined by (in descending order)

  1. points
  2. direct comparison
  3. goal difference
  4. goals scored
  5. fewest goals conceded
  6. coin toss

Second and third place finishers will play each other in the play-in round. Winners will advance to the quarterfinals. Losers will play for places 9-12 in the Lower Bracket.

Lower Bracket
Teams will compete for places 9-12 in the Lower Bracket. Each team will play once against every other team. The tie break procedure is identical to the one outlined above.

In the quarterfinals, teams will qualify for the upper or mid bracket. The group winners will face the winners of the play-in games. The winners of the quarterfinal games will play the semifinals, the third place game and the final in the Upper Bracket. Losing teams will play for places 5-8 in the Mid Bracket.

Mid Bracket
The quarterfinal losers will play each other. The losers of these games will compete for 7th place, the winners for 5 th place.

Upper Bracket
The quarterfinal winners will play for a place in the final. The losers of the semifinal games will compete for 3rd place. The winners will advance to the final and play for the tournament title.

Tie after game time
In case of a tie in play-in, quarterfinal, mid bracket and upper bracket games, a shoot-out will determine the winner.

Equipment Preorder

Dear all,

Northern Soul will once again be vending for 2 days at LaBox this year.

As usual, we will have a range of equipment.

We are however in the process of running our stocks down at the momemnt
and have a less than normal selection (shortages especially on some
heads, gloves and arm protection and gait women’s sticks).

As ever, but more so this year, we are really encouraging you to pre
order your items where possible.

The Pre Order deadline is Tuesday 12th November at 13:00.

We will take all Pre-Orders as pre payments and have it ready for
collection at the tournament.

Any questions as ever, please e mail me
( or contact via instagram

Many thanks,

Chris Webborn
Northern Soul
EU Rep

teams 2024

The teams for LaBox 2024 have been announced!

We are pleased to welcome the following teams:

High Contact (men’s rules):

  • Blax
  • Bonn Lions
  • Discounter Lacrosse
  • KaMaGörls
  • Kumpelz
  • MarBroRo
  • Prachtsternschnecken
  • Royal Gardeners
  • Taters
  • The Länd
  • Viktoria Berlin
  • Zbraslav

Low Contact (women’s rules):

  • Andreas NJGA
  • Blaxettes
  • Dortmund Wolverines
  • Göttingen + Alumnae
  • Kapabra
  • Leipzig Lacrosse
  • Musketeers and Lions United
  • Panthers Wroclaw
  • Patékes
  • Potatoes
  • Poznan Hussars Ladies
  • Pumicorn

pickup registration

In order to enable individual lacrosse players without a registered team to participate in LaBox 2024, we are offering you the opportunity to apply as a pickup player this year.
Please fill out this form so that we can put you in touch with a team that is still looking for players.

Calling All Vendors

Dear vendors of amazing lacrosse equipment,

please fill out this form to register your shop for LaBox 2024.

Key facts:

  • Date: 06 – 08 December 2024, games will be played on the 7th and 8th
  • Venue: Felix-Klein-Gymnasium, Böttingerstraße 17, Göttingen
  • Participants 2023: 24 teams, around 300 participants

Please be aware that we will only provide space for you to sell your merch. We are not able to run your shop for you.

Registration will start July 29

Dear lacrosse community,

The registration for LaBox 2024 will start one week from now. From July 29th on, you have two weeks until August 11th to register your team for LaBox 2024. On August 16th, we will notify you whether your team got a spot for this year’s LaBox. One decision criterion is the time of receipt of your registration. Additionally, we also select the teams such that we can welcome a good mix of experienced and new faces as well as German and international teams.

You want to find out more about the LaBox tournament?

We’re looking forward to have you!

Save the Date – LaBox 2024

We’re happy to announce the date for LaBox 2024. On December 6-8, you’re invited to join us in Göttingen for an awesome weekend of lacrosse! Save the date and stay tuned for more information on registration and the tournament mode.